
直线ayx爱游戏体育 筛的材质该如何选用

发布时间:2023-11-29 08:31:49 浏览:25
     设备的材质关乎着产品的质量,一些特殊的物料有时会因为设备的材质起化学反应。针对设备的材质如何选择呢,又有哪些材质可以供ayx爱游戏体育 选择呢,今天金禾小编就来介绍一下关于设备材质的选择技巧。
  在选择设备的时候,ayx爱游戏体育 通常会根据客户筛分物料名称,会建议客户选择用哪种材质的设备及哪种型号的设备,那么如何确定设备使用哪种材质呢,下面ayx爱游戏体育 详细介绍一下各材质的特性:
  碳钢直线ayx爱游戏体育 筛
  不锈钢直线ayx爱游戏体育 筛
  316L不锈钢耐腐蚀钢板主要应用于化工行业或医药行业, 适用于物料对普通材质产生腐蚀性,如果用普通的材质,久而久之会对设备造成腐烂的情况,所以有腐蚀型的产品在定做设备的时候,尽量选择316L耐腐蚀材质。
The material quality of the equipment is related to the quality of the product. Some special materials sometimes react with the material of the equipment. How to choose the material for the equipment, and what material can be chosen for us, today, Jinhe little editor to introduce the selection of equipment materials.
When selecting the device, we usually sieved the name of the material according to the customer, and advise the customer which type of equipment and which type of equipment to use. Then how to determine which material to use. Below we give a detailed description of the characteristics of each material:
Carbon steel linear vibrating screen
1, Q235 carbon steel material (general steel material):
The material of general steel is a kind of material which is widely used. In general, if the customer does not have special requirements, it is the equipment used for carbon steel material. This material is used at the bottom of the cost. It is more common and commonly used.
2, stainless steel material (SUS304 material):
Stainless steel 304 material equipment is usually applied to customers in the food industry, because the food industry is demanding. Stainless steel 304 material or base material can be made of stainless steel 304 according to user needs.
Stainless steel linear vibrating screen
3, corrosion resistant 316L stainless steel material:
316L stainless steel corrosion resistant steel plate is mainly used in the chemical industry or the pharmaceutical industry. It is suitable for the material to produce corrosiveness to the ordinary material. If the material is used for a long time, it will cause the decay of the equipment, so the corrosion resistant products choose the corrosion resistant material of 316L when the equipment is fixed.
4, plastic corrosion resistant material (PVC plastic material)
PVC plastic anticorrosive material is also applied to materials in special industries.  The material quality of the equipment is related to the quality of the product. Some special materials sometimes react with the material of the equipment. How to choose the material for the equipment, and what material can be chosen for us, today, Jinhe little editor to introduce the selection of equipment materials.
When selecting the device, we usually sieved the name of the material according to the customer, and advise the customer which type of equipment and which type of equipment to use. Then how to determine which material to use. Below we give a detailed description of the characteristics of each material:
Carbon steel linear vibrating screen
1, Q235 carbon steel material (general steel material):
The material of general steel is a kind of material which is widely used. In general, if the customer does not have special requirements, it is the equipment used for carbon steel material. This material is used at the bottom of the cost. It is more common and commonly used.
2, stainless steel material (SUS304 material):
Stainless steel 304 material equipment is usually applied to customers in the food industry, because the food industry is demanding. Stainless steel 304 material or base material can be made of stainless steel 304 according to user needs.
Stainless steel linear vibrating screen
3, corrosion resistant 316L stainless steel material:
316L stainless steel corrosion resistant steel plate is mainly used in the chemical industry or the pharmaceutical industry. It is suitable for the material to produce corrosiveness to the ordinary material. If the material is used for a long time, it will cause the decay of the equipment, so the corrosion resistant products choose the corrosion resistant material of 316L when the equipment is fixed.
4, plastic corrosion resistant material (PVC plastic material)
PVC plastic anticorrosive material is also applied to materials in special industries.
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